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Legal Disclaimer

Effective as of 01/05/2022

Following the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, on Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as LCEN, it is brought to the attention of users and visitors, hereinafter known as the User “, of the site, hereinafter refrerred to as the ” Site “, these legal notices.

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The Site is edited by BLOOM INDIA STRATEGY SAS with a capital of 5000 euros, registered with the PARIS Trade and Companies Register under number 909 420 390, whose head office is located at 15 rue des Halles, 75001 Paris,

Telephone number +33 (0) 1 76 44 06 82,

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Intra-community VAT number: FR 91 909420390

The Director of publication is Mr Ludovic Dalleau

hereinafter the ” Publisher “.

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"Let the stronger man give to the man whose need is greater; let him gaze upon the lengthening path of life; for riches roll like the wheels of a chariot, turning from one to another.” -Rig Veda

 Century club companies have a few key qualities in common – the ability to adapt to the times, a strong value system and culture passed down by the founders, extraordinary business relationships with their partners, and a strong sense of purpose which enables them to be an active part of their local communities.
 We recognize that these are fundamental building blocks of your strategy, not just for this growth term, but for years to come. Bloom India’s ambition is to help organizations and their leaders make their vision and mission statements a reality.
Let's talk about building your culture and fulfilling your purpose to its full potential.
French Office Address

15, rue des Halles, 
75001 Paris, France. 

+33 (0) 1 76 44 06 82

Indian Office Address

Whitefields, Kondapur, Hi-Tech City,
Hyderabad, Telangana. India – 500081.

+040 (91) 96521 73439

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