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About Us

Uncovering Business Value in India

Unleashing Potential Starts With You

We Believe That a Human Being Is Full of Potential and the onus is on each individual to grow and give our best to the world.

Global disruptions over the past two years have shaken leaders across the world to be more aware of the impact they create, in the present and the future for everyone and the planet itself.

Is the world better off with you and your company in it?

Maximizing Potential in France and India

Bloom India

With the fifth-largest economy in the world, India has an annual growth rate of 4.2 per cent, which is second only to China. India is the world’s largest market for manufactured goods and services and ranks third out of 141 economies for market size according to the WEF’s Global Competitiveness Index.

Bloom India Strategy will make you capitalize on the unlocked human potential of a business by bringing together the worlds of French culture and Vedic philosophy. India is an exceedingly relationship-oriented market and the sheer number of sub-cultures to navigate is makes it a gruelling task for foreign companies to establish their foothold in the region. India is the perfect place to start that change.

Meet The Team

Ludovic Dalleau

Founder & Director

A graduate of MBS, Bradford, and HEC Paris, Ludovic has 14 years of Operations and Management experience in big corps and Entrepreneurship. His fierce drive to help others evolve and give back to society led to Bloom India. When he is not sending numerous Namaste emojis, you can find him planning his next mountain trail.

Bernard Alvin

Senior Partner | Organizational Change; People and Purpose

Bernard’s strong foundations in Political Science, Sociology and Financial Management (ESSEC) has helped him blaze a path in identifying and training Leaders, and compositing transformation across large international enterprises like Airbus, Schneider Electric, and Michelin. He is a real life ‘Tintin’!

Augustin Thieffry

Senior Partner | Industry and Intercultural Management

An Agro-Engineer with a formidable 44-year career managing industries in Europe and Asia, Augustin now consults in Multicultural Management and Geostrategy. His integrative role in the innovation process makes him invaluable. It’s no surprise that he loves to cook and share good food!

Vinayak Hajare

Senior Partner | Corporate Finance, Private Equity, Investments, Mergers and Acquisitions, Localizations

Vinayak is a seasoned investment banker with 40 years in corporate finance in groups such as Credit Lyonnais, Lazard India, and E&Y. Founder of InterGest South Asia, a member of the Governing Board of the Council of EU Chambers India, and a Council Member of EBG Federation, he brings unparalleled proficiency.

Akhila Pemmasani

Partner | Head of User Experience, Marketing & Communication Strategy

A Life Sciences graduate, working in design and communication is a natural shift for Akhila. An avid gamer and science geek, she was part of an award-winning Halo machinima clan in school. With 12 years in the Advertising, Corporate, and Creative Services industry, she can also tell exactly how humans are nearly 20% banana!

"People will try to tell you that all the great opportunities have been snapped up. In reality, the world changes every second, blowing new opportunities in all directions, including yours."

-Ken Hakuta

Working With The French

Why Choose France?

France is the third favourite destination to invest for Indian companies in Europe according to the May 2022 EY FDI attractiveness Survey. France has strong cultural ties to the African and MENA region making it perfect for businesses looking to expand to those areas. Our team in Paris is ready to assist you!

French is the third most widely spoken language in the EU with roughly 20% of the population being able to converse in it. It is also the second most-widely taught language after English. It’s no wonder we love our Indo-French ties so much. It’s simply easier to communicate and do business.

"Let the stronger man give to the man whose need is greater; let him gaze upon the lengthening path of life; for riches roll like the wheels of a chariot, turning from one to another.” -Rig Veda

 Century club companies have a few key qualities in common – the ability to adapt to the times, a strong value system and culture passed down by the founders, extraordinary business relationships with their partners, and a strong sense of purpose which enables them to be an active part of their local communities.
 We recognize that these are fundamental building blocks of your strategy, not just for this growth term, but for years to come. Bloom India’s ambition is to help organizations and their leaders make their vision and mission statements a reality.
Let's talk about building your culture and fulfilling your purpose to its full potential.
French Office Address

15, rue des Halles, 
75001 Paris, France. 

+33 (0) 1 76 44 06 82

Indian Office Address

Whitefields, Kondapur, Hi-Tech City,
Hyderabad, Telangana. India – 500081.

+040 (91) 96521 73439

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